Students will get a chance to talk to their peers as well as get their first introduction to the world of UX design through talks with past alumns and current designers in the industry.
This week will be all about Figma. Students will learn the basic tools used to design on Figma as well as work on a small assignment in groups.
This week will be all about Figma. Students learn the more advanced tools on Figma like prototyping and animation.
It’s a Break! Students can take the week to practice the tools learnt in week 3 and 4.
Students will be given a prompt to begin their UX project and learn about some basic user research skills to help them ideate.
This week, students will take the research that they compiled analyze them to general key problem insights and opportunities as well as begin developing the flow of their app.
This week, students will begin designing their apps and learning how to sketch their ideas on paper.
This week, students will start moving their design on paper to Figma and learn the basics of wireframing.
This week, students will begin to finalize their project.
This week, students will finish their proejcts and begin designing their final presentations.
This week, students will be split into groups 2 groups to present their final projects. Students will present their current progress and mentors will give suggestion and pointers.
At Product Classroom, we hope to provide the basic starting tools to kickstarts a students journey in UX design. Our goal is to not only teach students the technical side of UX but also the industry in general. We hope our students will come out of our program with a well round view of the industry with a greater emphasis on ethics and accessibility.
Weekly, Saturdays
2 hours, 6-8 PM EST
A mentor presentation about the specific topic students are covering that week.
A mentor presentation on a broader UX topic like “Design Ethics” or “Daily Life of UX Designer.
A set time where students can ask questions, talk to their mentors, and work on their projects.
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